University of Problems Download [v1.2.5 Basic] » FAP NATION

v1.2 Extended

v1.1.0 Extended

  • 1 scene with Sasha and 1 scene with Kim
  • 88 renders, 7 animations, and 6 PVU Lewd pics

v1.1.0 Basic
1) Renders:

  • 1203 renders and 8 animations (+88 renders, 7 animations, and 6 PVU Lewd pics in the Extended version)

2) Events:

  • 1 big event with Rachel
  • 1 small and 1 big event with Sara
  • 1 event with Nikki
  • 1 event with Kim (2 paths) +1 lewd event in the Extended ver.
  • 1 event with Sasha +1 lewd event in the Extended ver.
  • 1 event with Yuki
  • 1 event with Ashley

3) Added 14 new music tracks
4) Added proofread dialogues for extra events from v1.0.5 Extended

v1.0.5 Extended

  • 1 scene with Rachel and 1 scene with Natalie + Mallory
  • 101 renders, 2 animations, and 6 PVU Lewd pics

Important notes:
If in the event with Carol in this update she says that the MC didn’t respond to her message yesterday (Carol sent a photo of herself in a red dress), but you responded to this message, then you will need to replay the previous update. Or just leave it as it is. This will not cause any big problems in the future.
Now you can find out the name of the music currently playing by clicking “What music is playing” button in the lower right corner of the screen.

v1.0.0 Extended

  • 1 scene with Lexi and 1 scene with Yuki
  • + 75 renders, 4 animations and 6 PVU Lewd pics

v1.0.0 Basic
1) Renders:

  • ~ 700 renders and 6 animations ( +75 renders, 4 animations and 6 PVU Lewd photos in the Extended version)

2) Events:

  • big main event with Lexi +1 lewd event in the Extended ver.
  • big event with Roxy
  • event with Carol
  • small event with Carol and Yuki (3 versions depending on MC’s relationship with Carol)
  • big event with Yuki +1 lewd event in the Extended ver.
  • event with Ashley

v0.9.5 Extended

  • 1 scene with Sara and 1 scene with Rachel
  • + 75 renders, 4 animations and 6 PVU Lewd pics

v0.9.5 Basic
1) Renders:

  • About 800 renders and 5 animations (+ 75 renders, 4 animations and 6 PVU Lewd pics for the Extended ver.)

2) Events:

  • 2 events with Rachel +1 lewd event in the Extended ver.
  • event with Sara +1 lewd event in the Extended ver.
  • 2 party events with Nikki
  • 1 party event with Ashley (bad girl path) + 1 more event with her (good girl path)
  • 2 party events with Ivy
  • small party event with Eric
  • small party event with Vlad
  • some dialogues and scenes with cameo characters (and with minor ones)

3) Minor changes:

  • Some little changes and improvements in scripts from previous updates

v0.9.0 Extended
1) Renders:

  • About 580 renders and 3 animations are ready (+ 61 renders, 3 animations and 6 PVU Lewd pics for the Extended ver.)

2) Events:

  • big event with Carol +1 lewd event in the Extended ver.
  • event with Sara
  • 2 events with Roxy (or just a big one) +1 lewd event in the Extended ver.
  • 2 events with Yuki
  • main event with Vlad

3) Minor changes:

  • Added the proofreaded dialogues for the extra events from v0.8.0 and v0.8.5

Extended – (in addition to the Basic content):

  • 1 scene with Roxy and 1 scene with Carol
  • + 61 renders, 3 animations and 6 PVU Lewd pics

v0.8.5 Extended

  • 1 scene with Roxy and 1 scene with Sasha + ??? (maid)
  • +67 renders, 3 animations and 6 PVU Lewd photos

v0.8.5 Basic

1) Renders

  • 628 renders and 5 animations ( +67 renders, 3 animations and 6 PVU Lewd photos in the Extended version)

2) Events

  • big event with Sasha + the new character (the 3rd payment for Sasha’s help if you’re following her story) +1 lewd event in the Extended ver.
  • event with Roxy +1 lewd event in the Extended ver.
  • 1 small event (all routes with Nat) and 1 regular event with Natalie (only on Nat + Mal route)
  • event with Natalie + Mallory
  • 2 events with Ashley
  • event with Carol

v0.8.0 Extended

  • 1 scene with Rachel and 1 scene with Yuki
  • 85 renders, 2 animations and 6 PVU Lewd photos

v0.8.0 Basic
1) Renders:

  • ~ 610 renders and 5 animations ( +??? renders, 2 animations and 6 PVU Lewd photos in the Extended version)

2) Events:

  • huge event with Rachel +1 lewd event in the Extended ver.
  • main story event with Kim and a little dialogue with Vlad (only if you follow Kim’s path + looking for compromising material about MelkorOil)
  • main story event with Marco and Lexi (if you looking for compromising material about Pollard’s studio)
  • event with Nikki
  • event with Yuki +1 lewd event in the Extended ver.
  • special event


  • Added replay button for memories in the main menu
  • Added some new music
  • Game files are prepared for updating with patches (starting from v0.8.5)

v0.7.5 Extended

  • 1 scene with Sara and 1 scene with Rachel
  • 87 renders, 2 animations and 6 PVU Lewd photos

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